Thursday, June 16, 2016

Warrant for his arrest

The judge in Rhode Island Superior court finally issued a warrant for our good friend Asa. He didn't show up for his 12th rescheduled hearing, so I guess maybe the judge is finally figuring out that Asa is not such a good little boy. I received an email recently telling me that Asa is in Biloxi, MS. The warrant is extraditable - he'll get an all expenses paid trip back to Rhode Island. If you see him around, please do everyone a favor and call the police. Tell the police that Asa has a nation wide warrant, and tell the police where they can come pick him up. Please do this. It took years for us to find him and I fear that he will just disappear again.


  1. he sure is in Biloxi MS

  2. We had him until Rhode Island screwed it up. Makes me so angry

  3. We had him until Rhode Island screwed it up. Makes me so angry
